
Name Clément Detry
Position ML Engineer @ HumanWare Technologies
Phone +33 768 71 74 62
Summary AI enthusiast with a BSc in Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University and an MSc in Machine Learning from Université de Montréal and Mila Research Institute. I am currently serving as an ML Engineer at HumanWare Technologies, where I advance vision algorithms to aid the visually impaired. I am passionately driven by the AI for Good initiative, aiming to leverage technology to create positive societal impacts. I am particularly interested in finding opportunities that allow me to apply and further develop my expertise in natural language processing (NLP) projects.


  • 2023.05 - Now
    ML Engineer
    HumanWare Technologies
    Montréal, CA
    • Led the development of an object detection system for visually impaired users, utilizing a GPS-equipped device with dual cameras to enhance user independence.
    • Engineered a lightweight PyTorch model using few-shot learning, optimized for high accuracy and local processing on embedded devices.
    • Achieved a 0.344 mAP@0.5:0.95 using 5-shot learning for diverse object shapes on an OOD dataset.
    • Developing a user-friendly image capture system using PySOT's SiamRPN tracking algorithm, enabling autonomous data collection adapted to visually impaired users.
  • 2021.09 - 2022.06
    Data Scientist
    Nomics Care
    Liège, BE
    • Employed machine learning models, including 1-D CNNs and LSTMs, for classifying specific patterns in time series for sleep apnea diagnosis, notably enhancing the accuracy from an F1 score of 0.7 to 0.98.
    • Managed large, non-structured time-series datasets, developing a robust preprocessing pipeline using the MNE-Python library and Pandas for data cleaning and structuring, along with SMOTE for data balancing.
    • Migrated the model to AWS, enabling server-based inference processing to support real-time data analysis in the application.
    • This optimized diagnostic process now reduces the time required for doctors to analyze each new patient by 50%.
  • 2021.06 - 2021.08
    Web Developer Intern
    Nomics Care
    Liège, BE
    • Initiated the migration of a Windows based app used by doctors for sleep signal analysis to a Django web server app, enabling access to patient analysis platforms from any device.
    • Developed the backend for user authentication and password management systems, and established an SQL database for storing user data.


  • 2023.01 - 2023.05
    Medical Image Segmentation
    Université de Montréal, Montréal, CA
    • Worked within a three-person team on a project aimed at 3D medical image segmentation, utilizing CT and MRI scans. The objective was to assess and refine the architectural framework of a U-Net model to enhance its segmentation performance.
    • Implemented a series of strategic modifications to the U-Net model, including adjustments to the convolutional block, improvements in skip connections and the integration of a cross-attention mechanism. At the same time, established a standardized data preprocessing and augmentation pipeline, ensuring consistent and accurate evaluation of architectural changes across model iterations.
    • Improved medical image segmentation by adding convolutional layers to shortcut paths, achieving the best overall performance with an average rank of 1.59 across various datasets.
  • 2021.09 - 2022.01
    Interactive Human vs Robot “Water Pong” Game
    Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL
    • Collaborated in a team of four to create an interactive ''Water Pong'' game featuring real-time computer vision. Utilized Hough Circle Transform in OpenCV for precise cup detection and YOLOv5 for ball tracking, enabling accurate distance measurements.
    • Engineered a lookup table for the robotic arm’s throw parameters, correlating with cup positions to achieve a target hitting accuracy of 90%.


  • 2022.09 - 2024.01

    Montréal, CA

    Université de Montréal, Mila - Quebec AI Institute
    Machine Learning (CGPA: 3.98/4.3)
    • Data Science
    • Machine Learning
    • Representation Learning (by Prof. Aaron Courville)
    • NLP
  • 2018.09 - 2022.01

    Maastricht, NL

    Maastricht University
    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CGPA: 7.23/10)
    • Thesis: Identifying Patterns in Jaw Activities: Time Series Analysis of Sleep‑Related Data
    • Supervisor: Prof. Rachel Cavill


Python (advanced)
Java (advanced)
Matlab (intermediate)
SQL (intermediate)
C++ (beginner)
PyTorch (advanced)
Scikit-learn (advanced)
Pandas (advanced)
Numpy (advanced)
Other Tools
Git (advanced)
LaTeX (advanced)
Docker (intermediate)

