Clément Detry

Computer Vision Engineer @ HumanWare Technologies


Quai de Rome,

4000 Liège, Belgium

Welcome to my website

I’m Clément Detry, a Belgian AI specialist with a focus on computer vision and machine learning. My academic background includes a BSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University and an MSc in Computer Science and Machine Learning from Université de Montréal and Mila Research Institute.

Recently, I completed a role as a Computer Vision Engineer at HumanWare Technologies. I initially joined as an R&D intern during my master’s program in Canada, under the supervision of François Boutrouille and Alain Bélanger. My work involved developing vision algorithms to support the visually impaired, creating AI-driven features for camera-equipped devices that significantly enhanced user autonomy.

Prior to HumanWare, I worked at Nomics Care as a Data Scientist, a Belgian MedTech company, where I developed AI-driven time-series anomaly detection tools for sleep activity signal monitoring. This experience allowed me to apply machine learning techniques to real-world healthcare challenges.

For more detailed information about my experience and projects, please explore the Projects and CV pages.


Aug 12, 2024 Received a recommendation letter from my former supervisor at HumanWare.